Today we will discuss how does weight loss impact erectile dysfunction. Many men are unaware about body weight and erectile dysfunction, this is why I decided to write this short informative article.
Studies suggest that obese men are 30% more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction at an early age. This is why it is very important to lose weight.
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How Does Weight Loss Impact Erectile Dysfunction
The reason why you want to lose weight is because stored fat in the body makes a good blood circulation a bit difficult. You see whenever there is poor blood circulation in the genitals area, erectile dysfunction happens.
There have been done a lot of studies regarding erectile dysfunction, and what was found is astonishing. Men with a 32 inch waist line are less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction at an early age. Therefore if you want to prolong your sex life, I suggest to get fit as soon as possible.
Diet plays a huge role in weight loss. So ff you are serious in reversing your erectile dysfunction due to weight I suggest that you start eating green foods (fruits and vegetables) that are naturally high is aphrodisiacs and low in calories. Foods such as:
- Bananas
- Watermelons
- Tomatoes
- Pomegranate
- Spinach
Not having enough sleep at night also impacts your sex drive. You see male sexual organs produce more sperm when the body in a resting position. Therefore make sure that you have full 8 hours sleep at night.
And ]drink 3 litres of water every day. Water has zero calories therefore you have no excuse. Drinking this amount of water a day boosts metabolism. Plus water helps to maintain a cool genitals which is essential for the production of semen.
Remember that diet plays a crucial role, visit my Smit Chacha ebook review of Proteins and Erectile Dysfunction Natural Treatment to find tons of recipes to treat and cure impotence in men.
Cure Erectile Dysfunction Even Faster with Proteins and Erectile Dysfunction Natural TreatmentMany men face ED (erectile dysfunction) problem some point in their life. Smit Chacha the bestselling author of the Proteins and Erectile Dysfunction Natural Treatment eBook that shows a steps by step guide in how to completely treat, cure and reverse your erectile dysfunction problem without medical pills. Here is a summary of what you should expect on Proteins and Erectile Dysfunction Natural Treatment eBook: